Do you understand what all the concerns are with using palm oil? If not, then it is critical that you read this blog from Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd. You need to be aware and understand why consumers do not support purchasing products containing palm oil and why you will lose sales if you continue [...]
Have you got your back covered?
Are you covered, are you protected? Is your business systemised, are processes in place working, have you completed all of your risk assessments? Business in the 21st century does not allow any stones to be left unturned when handling and dealing with food for human consumption. E. coli can stop production faster than declining sales. [...]
Have You Found Your MOJO?
Are you shining bright like a diamond? Do you know what makes you tick, turns you on, and gets you excited? Do you know your purpose? Do you know what drives you and makes you jump out of bed each morning? For those of you who sunk in their chair and thought NO, here is [...]
Do You Have a Food Safety Consumer Focused Culture?
Food Safety is a discipline, it is a heartfelt need. People eat food to survive. People need to eat safe food and it is our responsibility to provide our consumers with consistent quality safe food products. Culture is the ideas, customs and social behaviours of a particular group of people or society and is defined [...]
Do You Allow Fear To Hold You Back?
How can you get out of your own way? Let’s take a moment to pause and think about these questions seriously. Do you allow fear to hold you back? How can you get out of your own way? If it helps you, close your eyes and think of your biggest concerns. Now write them down. [...]
The Power of Networking
Are you interested in generating endless referrals or meeting new potential business contracts? How well and how often do you network? Most people are a born natural networker or they shy away. What is your tendency? What is networking? Networking is a life skill. As the networking Queen Robyn Henderson tells us there are three [...]
“What predator animal are you in your business? Which predator animal do you want to be?”
Are you in a position where you put out daily fires, balance personal needs and try to complete all your work tasks every day? Do you find yourself procrastinating or thinking how will I ever complete all my work without feeling overwhelmed? Then you are reading an effective blog post from Elevating Food Safety Pty [...]
How important is your health?
So I ask you how important is your health to you? Are you focusing on it, working on improving it and do you have a plan to maintain it? I am finding as I am getting older, the business growing and my three children getting older I need my health and stamina at peak performance. [...]
Running on Empty?
Do you feel like you are running on empty? The year has almost ended and we are in the midst of planning Christmas festivities, gifts, surprises, lunches, dinners, attending carols, holidays, short breaks away and making time for family and friends. Some of us may even be too busy and not even in a position [...]
Why is Product Labelling so Important?
Labelling of food and beverage products is now relied upon more than ever. More and more consumers read labels and decide if products will be purchased based on what the label identifies or highlights. Consumers now want to know if local ingredients are used, where the product is made, are allergens present, how much sugar, [...]
Do Standards Qualify?
What are standards, why do we need standards, what standards are available, how do you apply standards and why do we need to continuously improve? A standard is a level of quality or attainment. Something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations. Standards are a measure of acceptance. A standard determines [...]
What “Gen Y” want from their leader?
Gen Y were born early 1980’s and 2000 who are transforming how we operate in the workplace. Gen Y are tech savvy and big on team work. They are team players. Some of us think Gen Y are all about themselves and expect too much whilst others think Gen Y are an asset in any [...]
Is your mind full?
I wonder what you are thinking after having a few seconds to think about the above illustration. Interesting isn’t it or do you think your mind is a little more like this illustration? So what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. It is a mental state achieved by [...]
Introducing Elevating Recruitment – delivering you a silver service.
Due to popular demand we have just launched Elevating Recruitment. We are now offering you a menu of services. Elevating Recruitment can now work with you to take care of your recruitment needs. Working in food for more than 25 years we have decided to stick with the food theme and offer you [...]
Are you mindful of how you build solid relationships?
What are your personal needs? Do you want to be liked, do you like to focus on getting the job done, do you like working with others, do you need constant praise, do you need objectives set for you or do you like to work autonomously? Whatever your preferred style is as a leader [...]
How to smash your next site food safety audit?!
I am delighted to share with you that our Exemplar Global and Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd free webinar “how to smash your next site food safety audit” was extremely successfully. As a result I would like to share with you the link to our recorded webinar The next scheduled free webinars will commence again [...]
How to smash your next site food safety audit?!
I am delighted to share with you that our Exemplar Global and Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd free webinar “how to smash your next site food safety audit” on Friday 3rd October was extremely successfully. As a result I would like to share with you the link to our recorded webinar The next [...]
7 useful tips for stress management
I wonder what you are thinking after having a few seconds to think about the above illustration. Interesting isn’t it or do you think your mind is a little more like this illustration? So what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. It is a mental [...]
My Personal Adventure Attending The Food & Beverage Global Summit Beijing September 2014
I have just returned from the Food and Beverage Global Summit in Beijing and what an adventure it was! Firstly it took courage for me to travel to a country I have never been before on my own and where English is not the chosen language. Not many could speak English at all. The [...]
Food Safety Auditing!
How to smash and prepare for your next site food safety audit! I am delighted to share with you that Exemplar Global and Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd will be hosting a free webinar “How to smash your site food safety audit” on Friday 3rd October at Midday. Please click the link below to register your [...]
How to hit a home run with changing food choices?
Consumers and customers want cleaner labels and more natural products. They are looking for a greater range of organic and healthier products. Consumers and customers want innovation and greater food choices. Consumers are becoming a lot more consciously aware and want to know more about the food they eat. Who makes the product? How do [...]
Is Your Business Prepared for an Allergy Epidemic?

The rising incidence of food allergies in Australia has important implications for ingredients suppliers and their customers, as Brooke Beach of food safety consulting and training firm Elevating Food Safety writes. Experts suggest that one in 10 children born in Australia today will develop a food allergy. Food Allergy Week in May sought to raise [...]
Why becoming a food auditor could be a great career move webinar recording link.
Why becoming a food auditor could be a great career move?! I am delighted to share with you that our Exemplar Global and Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd free webinar “why become a food safety auditor” on Friday 5th September was extremely successfully. As a result I would like to share with you the [...]
Clear Communication Saves Brand Damage
Communication is the key when it comes to change management. Managing a bakery involves many different functions some of which include forecasting, planning, ordering raw materials, developing new products, reducing waste, managing people, changing suppliers, buying new equipment, selling, distributing and manufacturing product. Regardless of the change it needs to be managed well and the [...]
A Hand’s On Approach Systemising Your Business
Why do we need to implement systems? How do we implement systems? Which system do we implement? How do we maintain our business system? What do we do once we have implemented our business system? Systemising your business is needed for many reasons. We need to implement systems to standardise what we do, enforce compliance, [...]
What Do Best Performing Food Businesses DO Differently?
What do best performing food businesses do differently? How do they assess the types of incidents that can impact their business? How do they minimise risk and how do they prevent a critical or major impact hurting their business? The best performing food businesses make time to brainstorm any potential impacts that can occur, implement [...]
How Do YOU Maintain Momentum and Keep Riding the Wave?
What tends to be your rituals? What are they and how do you keep motivated? What motivates you to achieve your goals and objectives? What is really important to you? What can’t you afford to lose? Most commonly we write personal and professional goals at the start of a new year. Most of us know [...]
A No Brainer Approach to Identifying High Risk Hazards
Hazards – what are they? What comes to mind when you hear the word “hazard”? The meaning of hazard is defined as a danger or risk, chance or probability. I have been working in the food industry as a quality and food safety professional for 27 years and during this time I have come across [...]
Unveiling the Top 5 Triggers of Crisis
We all deal with crisis on a varying scale which affects us differently. During a time of crisis we can be fueled with specific emotions which we all react, behave and respond to differently. What does a crisis mean to you? What comes to mind when you think of a crisis? For some it may [...]
Weird Song Just Released by “Weird Al Yankovic” About Food Pathogens.
This is a very clever song just released by Weird Al Yankovic about food pathogens. You need to listen to it. Recommended by Dijana Green – Founder and CEO – Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd
Want To Know WHY Businesses Fail?
Want to know WHY Businesses Fail? Want to keep doing what you are doing? Do you enjoy running your own business, love having autonomy, enjoy making your own decisions and enjoy being a leader? If you don’t run your own business and you work for an organisation this also applies to you. You may not [...]
How Thirsty Are You?
To live the life we desire, we must remove fear! This is something that lurks in the back of your mind all the time, we need to beat this. What is success? How do you define success? How do you rate success? Who around you do you rate as successful? Is it dreaming big, being [...]
The Deadly Allergens Part III
We have arrived at part 3 of our allergen controls and management blogs from Elevating Food safety Pty Ltd. WOW! What a response we have had. It is encouraging to hear all your heartfelt feedback and how serious you are with handling allergen management. This week we would like to answer some questions for you. [...]
World’s Biggest Smoothie
The World’s Largest Smoothie Made for Dry July 2014! On Monday 30th June 2014 Dry July teamed up with various professional service providers to help smash the Guinness book of records to make the world’s largest smoothie. The largest smoothie on record was approx 1,514 litres and recently an attempt was made in Canada to [...]
Are You Taking Reasonable Precautions? The Deadly Allergens Part II
Are You Taking Reasonable Precautions? The Deadly Allergens Part II As I promised last week, today’s blog from Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd will provide more detail about each possible reaction. Allergic reactions can be experienced in various ways: 1. Food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a certain food protein. Food allergy symptoms [...]
The Deadly Allergens
So you know the puffy lips I am talking about? And I don’t mean Angelina Joelle’s!! An allergy is an overreaction by the body’s immune system to a normally harmless substance. Substances that can trigger an allergic reaction are called allergens. Allergens that can trigger an allergic reaction are in medication, the environment like pollens, [...]
5 Highly Effective Steps to Manage Supplier Performance to Prevent a $500,000 Mistake

Supplier performance and management is one of the CRITICAL keys to prevent a recall or a withdrawal. Partnering with your suppliers and building a good working rapport enables successful business partnerships to be built based on trust, loyalty and respect. Working together to be innovative and keeping costs at a minimum is the only way [...]
4 Things to Consider When Responding to Your Consumers!

Consumers are responding more and more, they are opening up more and becoming wiser. Consumers are demanding more information and understand more about food safety than ever before. Consumer feedback needs to be treated as priceless information and all feedback taken on board. Listen to your consumers they genuinely want to help make your products [...]
6 HOT Seasonal Tips to Protect Your Brand Leading up to Christmas

Food Safety must be built in your business culture. It must be built in the way you do business and it must be lead from Executives and/or Business Owners!!!! This is one way to help you maintain or enhance your brand. If we do not lead food safety in our business incidents such as food [...]
Are you mindful of how you build solid relationships?
What are your personal needs? Do yo want to be liked, do you like to focus on getting the job done, do you like working with others, do you need constant praise, do you need objectives set for you or do you like to work autonomously? Whatever your preferred style is as a leader you [...]
Why becoming a food auditor could be a great career move?!
Exemplar Global September FREE Webinar: Food Safety Auditor If you are looking for a career change and want more flexibility with a good income stream, auditing in food safety could be the career for you. Exemplar Global invite you to a free webinar where we will discuss how to be a Food Auditor. We [...]
Food & Beverage Global Summit Beijing 2014
I am so excited to share with you that I have been invited to present at the Food & Beverage Summit in Beijing. In September 2014, I will be leading a HACCP workshop and running case studies for major food manufacturers and restaurants. I will be presenting on the following: Due Diligence HACCP Principles Hazard [...]
Tis the season to be jolly….falalala la la la
As the year is wrapping up and just before we are all in holiday mode “we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very merry Christmas. May it be full of good cheer and great fun with your family and friends”. Enjoy your break and hope you are able to make the [...]
The Launch of Our New Website

How exciting is it when you complete a project, finish something you’ve started, achieve a goal or achieve an objective?! What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment! First thing some of us feel like doing is telling the world what we have just achieved or we call our friends, our colleagues, our family, posting about it [...]
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