I am so excited to share with you that I have been invited to present at the Food & Beverage Summit in Beijing.
In September 2014, I will be leading a HACCP workshop and running case studies for major food manufacturers and restaurants.
I will be presenting on the following:
- Due Diligence
- HACCP Principles
- Hazard Analysis and Risk Matrix
- Critical Control Points and Critical Quality Points
- Validation and Verification
- HACCP Support Programs
I will share with you more of my experience returning from the Beijing Global Summit.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the points mentioned above please call me on 0401 700 391 or email me on dijana.green@elevatingfoodsafety.com
TECHNOLOGY, this is another area we can assist you with by providing helpful tips. I have been learning so much about technology, apps, social media and how to me become more efficient keeping up with the rapid pace. Some of my new learnings have been so fantastic that I want to share the very HELPFUL tips with you.
technology helpful tip#1:

Sane Box is all about email management. Sane Box automatically filters your email of spam and unimportant messages to only see the emails that are important. Download Sane Box for free and allow it to clean up your spam and subscriptions you no longer want or need. Scan Box finds all of them for you. Sane Box is very clever and user friendly.
Yours in passion and energy, Dijana Green – Founder and CEO Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd

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