We all deal with crisis on a varying scale which affects us differently.
During a time of crisis we can be fueled with specific emotions which we all react, behave and respond to differently.
What does a crisis mean to you? What comes to mind when you think of a crisis? For some it may be locking their car keys in their car, missing an international flight, crashing a car, breaking a leg or loosing personal items in a flood or fire. Our emotions can trigger many different responses from unexpected events.
For me, during a crisis I respond very calmly and quietly. I go into thinking mode and then act. I like to gather the facts and make informed decisions based upon all of the data. Fortunately I have not personally experienced a crisis but I have arrived in a country after a national disaster has occurred which sent the country into crisis mode.
A crisis is a time of intense difficulty or danger
Humans like to avoid conflict, crisis, arguments and any other unhappy or uncomfortable situations. We prefer to be happy and enjoy ourselves, so keep this in mind, it is always best to prevent crisis. Always think what could go wrong so that you make decisions and take the right actions to prevent the crisis from occurring.
For example: you have just signed a new service agreement with a engineering company to manage your break downs and complete your preventive maintenance program and the day you have a major breakdown they are booked out. To prevent such an incident occurring brainstorming all possible scenario’s prior to signing contracts list what is critical to you and your business to ensure these important factors have been considered and are unlikely to cause a crisis.

Let me share with you “The 5 Triggers of a Business Crisis” Anthony Robbins teaches. Anthony Robbins is an international Neuro Linguistic Programing Speaker from the USA.
A change in:
- Competition
- Technology
- Culture
- Economy
- In your customers lives
These key points are very succinct and can lead to deep thoughts. Reflect on these thoughts and spend some time assessing the business and what is going on around you.
Are you protected from a crisis? Have you done your SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis? Are you keeping an eye on your competitors? Are you keeping up with technology, consumer trends and demands? Don’t allow a busy agenda to overlook these very important triggers.
My advice is “always keep calm”. Focus on staying level headed and professional during any form of crisis.
Crisis normally creates breakthrough and brings change.
“Prevention is better than cure”

Keep safe and keep well. Yours in deliverance, Dijana Green
Founder and CEO of Elevating Food Safety Pty Ltd
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